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本页主题: 陈冠希不雅照事件新闻发布会声明(英文) 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题



级别: 管理员
精华: 43
发帖: 14645
威望: 20316 点
金钱: 143189 RMB
贡献值: 223 点
好评度: 16901 点




        Today I've come back to Hong Kong to stand before you, and account for myself, I've never escaped away from my responsibility.

  During the past few weeks,I've been with my mother,and my family,and love ones to show support and care, and at the same time have their support and care for me.

  I admit most of the photos being circulated on the Internet were taken by me, but these photos were very private and have not been shown to people and were never intended to be shown to anyone.

    These photos were stolen from me illegally and distributed without my consent. There is no doubt whoever obtained these photos had been uploading them on the Internet with malicious and deliberate intent.

    This matter has been serious to the extend that the society as a whole has been effected by this, and in this regard, I am deeply sad in it.

   I would like now to apologise to all the people for all the suffering that has been caused and the problems that have arisen from this.

  I would like to apologies to all the ladies and to all their families, for any harm or hurt that they've been feeling, I'm sorry.I would like to also apologies to my mother and my father, for the pain and suffering that I cost them during these past few weeks.Most importantly,I would like to say sorry to all the people in Hong Kong, I give my apology sincerely to you all,and reservedly it be,and with my heart.I know young people in Hong Kong look up to many figures in our society, and in this regard,I had failed,I had failed as a role model.However, I wish this matter would teach everyone a lesson,to all the young people in our community,let this be a lesson for you all, this is not an example to be set for you.

        During my time away,I've made an important decision,I will wholeheartedly fulfill all commitments that I have to date,but after that,I've decided to step away from the Hong Kong entertainment industry,I've decided to do this to give myself an opportunity to heal myself and to search my soul.I will delicate my time to charity and community work within the next few months,I will be away from Hong Kong entertainment indefinitely,there is no time refrain.

  I've be assisting to the police since the first day that the photos were published,and I will continue to assist them,after this press conf.,our obligations to help their investgation,and hope that this case can end soon,as everyone I think has the same wish.

  I would like to use this opportunity to thank the police for their hard work on this case.Thank you.I believe everyone's priority now,my priority now,is to stop suffering the pain,for not letting this, we do not want to let this situation to be more out of control,we need to protect all the innocents and all the young for matters like this.In this regard,I've been instructing my lawyers to do everything possible within the law to protect all the innocent victims in this case.

  I believe that the press today that been issued as we speak are what my lawyers had advised me to do.

  Lastly,I would like to thank everyone for coming here today,and listening to what I have to say.I would like to also apologies once again to all the ladies and their families,my family,and to everyone in Hong Kong,and everyone in our society.I'm deeply in sad by this,and I apologies to everyone that had to go through this.I would like to also thank you for giving me this opportunity to say what I wanna to say all along in my heart.I hope after today,I can have your forgiveness.With regard to this case,with everything,everything that had happened,I'm deeply sorry.

  I hope you all would accept my apology,and give me a chance.Thank you.
顶端 Posted: 2008-02-25 12:55 | [楼 主]


级别: 管理员
精华: 43
发帖: 14645
威望: 20316 点
金钱: 143189 RMB
贡献值: 223 点
好评度: 16901 点









顶端 Posted: 2008-02-25 12:55 | 1 楼


级别: 总版主
精华: 21
发帖: 9856
威望: 11691 点
金钱: 94964 RMB
贡献值: 30 点
好评度: 9832 点

Did you know that the three most difficult things to say are:<br /><br />I love you, Sorry and help me <br />
顶端 Posted: 2008-02-25 16:03 | 2 楼


级别: 论坛版主
精华: 0
发帖: 2548
威望: 3471 点
金钱: 25371 RMB
贡献值: 30 点
好评度: 2457 点

顶端 Posted: 2008-02-25 21:38 | 3 楼


级别: 骑士
精华: 0
发帖: 315
威望: 1303 点
金钱: 3667 RMB
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 310 点

顶端 Posted: 2008-02-25 22:52 | 4 楼


级别: 论坛版主
精华: 10
发帖: 6218
威望: 11561 点
金钱: 67908 RMB
贡献值: 142 点
好评度: 7529 点



香港的傳媒當真厚顏無耻得叫人咋舌! 看見陳冠希表情落寞,獨自在台上向台下虎視眈眈的記者肯出那段長達六分多鐘的講稿(說實在,他的英語比本地的大專生甚至律師高官還要流利),我真有點摸不着頭腦,不禁納罕地問句﹕「他犯了什麼錯要向傳媒甚至六百萬市民作連番道歉?」

也許他非常濫交荒淫縱慾,但這是罪嗎? 倘若是,那些跟他做愛及口交的女星又要不要開記招向大眾道歉? 香港什麼時候變成一個跟女性在私人地方做愛甚至拍下過程也須受大眾審視批判的社會?倘若是這樣,那你昨夜在房間自慰或與女友做愛又要不要向鄰家的張三李四道歉? 香港人什麼時候偽道學得連人家濫交淫亂也要干涉? 那香港跟伊朗等極端原教主義國家又有什麼兩樣?

也許從宗教與道德角度,他的行為該受責謾,但既然陳冠希不是修道之人,又從沒有標榜自己有「純潔」形象,他的所為又有何需要向廣大市民道歉? 我個人就認為他比那些非禮孌童的神職人員和整日愛以「玉女」自居的女藝人強得多,因為他不掛着假面孔,他第一天當明星起,他就擺出一副花花公子的格調,我一點也不喜歡他,但卻不能罵他虛偽。


一個不慎被人家盜取了私人性生活照的人竟然要受千夫所指並要跑出來向三個多星期不斷連載他那些照片從而獲取利潤的媒體和三個多星期自發性去以各種途徑觀看淫照看得津津有味不亦樂乎的大眾道歉? 天下為什麼會有這般混帳的事? 倘若陳冠希真的要道歉,那你們這班喪心病狂的傳媒及曾經望着那些「淫照」竊竊私語(甚至自慰)每天早上起來就要看看有沒有新一輪淫照被發放的大中小淫蟲就更應該走出來道歉! 這幫短命種打靶友委實每一個都已從這宗新聞得到官能上的慰藉,那又如何受得起陳冠希的道歉? 可耻的不是拍或看這輯照片的人,而是那批看得磨拳擦掌的市民竟荒謬到充起批判者來。


不知大家有否留意他那篇道歉詞是經精心編寫,一看便知是律師背後替他草擬。據知他已分別委託了胡關李羅律師行及御用大律師胡漢清,目的呼之欲出,就是要向香港那班無耻的傳媒展開一場反擊戰。他直認照片是他拍的,並以版權人(copyright owner)的身份[註1]向那些雜誌報刊假道學宣戰。傳媒如未經陳冠希准許而刊登那些「淫照」,就算「打了格仔」,即屬間接侵犯版權(secondary infringement),按照版權條例第31(1) (c)條--exhibits in public or distributes for the purpose of or in the course of any trade or business就已經屬於間接侵權。

一般而言,被控間接侵權可以fair dealing作為答辯理由,即指那些相片是用來作報導新聞用途。但被告人除了要證明在文章或報刊上已充份確認聲明有關相片的來源/版權持有人外,(被告人不用證明使用那些照片去報導是必需或沒有別的途徑),還要證明(1)刊登照片的程度與報道有關,及(2)刊登照片的數量或方法沒有超出合理的需要。報道新聞屬公眾利益(public interest)是一有力答辯理由,但若在無需要的情況下大量刊登放大有關照片,那就很難證明the dealing is fair。有趣的是計算賠償金額的方法是以每件侵權物品為計算單位。此舉分明就是套在傳媒頭上的金剛箝,只要你敢登,胡漢清等狀門高手便唸起緊匝咒來,實行把那群涼薄的傳媒煎皮拆骨。胡御用是高手中的高手,所向披靡,能敵者寥寥。(我怕最後班報紙佬賺埋都唔夠賠)。

陳冠希的律師團高手雲集,想得出用侵權這置諸死地而後生的方法(因為首先必須要認自家是持有人),絕非庸者,因為被告人多數無還手的能力。再者,以此為訴訟因由(cause of action),還可輕易在開審前向法院取得臨時禁制令(interlocutory injunction)及以Anton Pillar order去沒收報館的罪證,一舉多得。值得一提的是,要控告間接侵權需證明被告人知道或有理由知道那些照片是侵權物品(mens rea),但報館又豈能推說那些不是侵權品呢?


An Hypothetical Submission made on behalf of Mr Chung Yik-tin(鍾亦天)
顶端 Posted: 2008-02-26 10:59 | 5 楼


级别: 论坛版主
精华: 0
发帖: 2548
威望: 3471 点
金钱: 25371 RMB
贡献值: 30 点
好评度: 2457 点

顶端 Posted: 2008-02-26 12:58 | 6 楼


级别: 管理员
精华: 43
发帖: 14645
威望: 20316 点
金钱: 143189 RMB
贡献值: 223 点
好评度: 16901 点

引用第5楼Sep于2008-02-26 10:59发表的  :




顶端 Posted: 2008-02-26 17:23 | 7 楼


级别: 管理员
精华: 43
发帖: 14645
威望: 20316 点
金钱: 143189 RMB
贡献值: 223 点
好评度: 16901 点

顶端 Posted: 2008-02-26 17:38 | 8 楼

头衔:青他爸 青他爸


级别: 论坛版主
精华: 3
发帖: 511
威望: 1493 点
金钱: 6399 RMB
贡献值: 75 点
好评度: 564 点

前言:真的没想到陈冠希会用全英文做道歉陈述,虽然知道他是CBC(Canadian Born Chinese),但英文水平还是让我佩服。他500多字的道歉信, 用词准确地道,词汇难度较高,包含了50多个考研(雅思)核心词汇,经过改编完全可以成为一篇高质量的考研完形填空,或雅思阅读理解。Edison这小子虽然"猥琐",但英文用词的难度达到了考研英语(国内最变态英语考试)的要求,如果参加雅思考试估计8分以上不成问题。
推荐理由: 超敬业的同声翻译, 不仅翻译准确及时, 而且激情投入感情充沛,让人感觉就像是自己刚刚拍了艳照被人发现.
Today I have come back to Hong Kong to stand before you and account for myself. I have never escaped from my responsibility. During the past few weeks, I have been with my mother and my family and my loved ones to show support and care and at the same time to have them support and care for me.

account for 1) 说明,解释;2) 占…比例
escape from从…逃脱, 推卸责任[/color]
escape=es(ex=out) + cape(catch)[/color]
I admit that most of the photos being circulated on the Internet were taken by me. But these photos are very private and have not been shown to people and are never intended to be shown to anyone. These photos were stolen from me illegally and distributed without my consent.

circulate = circul(circle圆圈) + ate v.循环,流通
intend to v.打算去…
illegal = il(not) + legal (合法的) + ly adv.违法地
单词组记: distribute, contribute, attribute, tribute
distribute = dis(away)+ tribute(give) = give away vt.分发,传播
contribute = con(fully) + tribute vt.贡献; 投稿 [助记]全部都给了
attributeto v.归因于
tribute n.贡品,颂词[助记] 给国王的礼物
单词组记:consent, dissent, resent, sentimental
consent = con(共同)+ sent(=sense情感) n.赞同,同意=agreement
dissent = dis(not) + sent n.不同意[助记]不同的情感= disagreement
resent = re(against) + sent n.憎恨 [助记] 相对抗的情感= hatred
There is no doubt whoever obtained these photos have them uploaded on the Internet with malicious and deliberate intent. This matter has deteriorated to the extent that society as a whole has been affected by this. In this regard, I am deeply saddened. I would like now to apologize to all the people for all the suffering that has been caused and the problems that have arisen from this. I would like to apologize to all the ladies and to all their families for any harm or hurt that they have been feeling. I am sorry. I would like to also apologize to my mother and my father for the pain and suffering I have caused them during the past few weeks. Most importantly, I would like to say sorry to all the people of Hong Kong. I give my apology sincerely to you all, unreservedly and with my heart.

upload = up + load vt.上传(图片, 文件等)
download = down + load vt.下载(图片,文件等)
单词组记: mal-=bad坏
malice = mal + ice(冰) n.恶意;【律】预谋, 蓄意[助记]在路上放一块冰,想让陈冠希滑倒,这是有预谋的恶意伤害。
malicious= malice(恶意) + ious(形容词) a.恶意的
mal-function n.功能紊乱
mal-nutrition n.营养不良
maltreat = mal + treat(对待) vt.虐待
单词组记: libra天平, deliberate, liberate, liberty, libertine, libido
deliberate = de(强调) + libera(=libra) + ate a. 深思熟虑的, 故意的[助记] 把你的想法放在天平上称量,引申为深思熟虑的,深思熟虑的结果当然是故意的
liberate = liber (自由=libera)+ ate vt.解放(让人民获得自由)
天平的主要作用就是要让两边重量相等,平等。解放全人类不就是让人民平等吗?人民解放军PLA:People’s Liberation Army liberation的职责就是解放全中国让中国人民平等自由
liberty n.自由
libertine这个单词叫"浪荡子",原来就是“特别自由的人”的意思,” 挺(tin)自由(liber)的”[/color]
单词组记:deteriorate,interior, exterior, territory
deteriorate = de(down) + terior(土地) +ate(动词) v.使恶化; 败坏(风俗); 使变坏(品质等) [助记] 品格败坏的人就应该入土活埋。
interior = in(into) + terior(土地) a.内部的,国内的
interior design 室内设计专业
exterior = ex (out)+ terior(土地) a.外部的,国外的
territory = territ(=terior)+ ory(地方) n.版图,疆土
to the extent 到了….程度
in this regard 在这一点上= in this case
单词组记: 神奇的-en可以把形容词名词变为你想要的动词
sadden = sad + d + en vt.使人悲哀
strengthen = strength(strong的名词) + en vt.加强(力量)
weaken = weak + en vt.削弱
lengthen = length(long的名词) + en vt.延长
shorten = short + en vt.缩短
tighten = tight + en vt.拉紧
loosen = loose + en vt.放松
enlighten= en + light + en vt.启蒙;(用思想)照亮
intent n.意图,打算
unreservedly = un + reserved(保留的) + ly(副词) adv.毫无保留地
I know young people in Hong Kong look up to many figures in our society. And in this regard, I have failed. I failed as a role model. However, I wish this matter will teach everyone a lesson. To all the young people in our community, let this be a lesson for you all. This is not an example to be set for you.

look up to 仰望,尊重= respect
look down upon/on 鄙视,瞧不起=despise
role model 榜样
During my time away, I have made an important decision. I will whole-heartedly fulfill all commitments that I have to date. But after that, I decided to step away from the Hong Kong entertainment industry. I have decided to do this to give myself an opportunity to heal myself and to search my soul. I will dedicate my time to charity and community work within the next few months. I will be away from Hong Kong entertainment industry indefinitely. There is no time frame.

whole-heatedly 全心全意地; single-mindedly一心一意地
fulfill one's commitment vt.履行…的诺言
entertainment industry 娱乐业
health =heal(恢复健康) +th(名词)
heal (v.治愈,恢复) 是health的反向构词
dedicate to 把...奉献给,投身于...
charity = char(=care关心)+ ity(名词) n.慈善,慈善事业[助记]关心穷人就是做慈善
I have been assisting the police since the first day the photos were published and I will continue to assist them. After this press con., I have obligation to help them with their investigation and hope that this case can end soon as everyone I think has the same wish.

assist = as(to) + sist(stand) vt.(站在一旁来) 协助
press con. = press conference 新闻发布会
press free. = press freedom 言论自由
press 是“压”的意思,怎么会变成“新闻”,“言论”呢?
因为最初的报纸都是油墨印刷,需要把纸紧紧的压在刻版上才能印刷出字来.所以press有了一个引申意:n.出版业,印刷业. 出版印刷业不就是发布新闻和言论的阵地吗?
obligation n.义务
investigation n.调查
I would like to use this opportunity to thank the police for their hard work on this case. Thank you. I believe everyone’s priority now (and) my priority now is to stop the suffering and pain, for not letting this…we do not want to let this situation become more out of control. We need to protect all the innocents and all the young from matters like this. In this regard, I have instructed my lawyers to do everything possible within the law to protect all the innocents, victims of this case. I believe that a press statement is being issued as we speak on what my lawyers have advised me to do.

单词组记rior to, priority
pri = pre是一个拉丁前缀表示before
[书面][color=red]prior to = [口语]before
小翻译: 在你离开之前,请完成这项工作.
prior to your departure, please complete this task.
小翻译: 预先警告/通知prior warning/notice.
priority = prior + ity(名词) n.优先考虑的事情, 优先权
单词组忆: victor, victory, victim
victory n.胜利
victor =vict + or(人) n.胜利者, 征服者
victim = vict + im(我是) [助记]我是被征服了,当然就成了n.受害人,牺牲品
innocent = in + no + cent(一分钱) [助忆]兜里没有一分钱, 所以没有偷窃, 是无辜的 a. 无辜的, 天真的
instruct = in + struct(构造) vt.传授,告知[助记]内心中去构建知识或信息
Lastly, I would like to thank everyone for coming here today and listening to what I have to say. I would like to also apologize once again to all the ladies and their families, my family and to everyone in Hong Kong and everyone in our society. I am deeply saddened by this. And I apologize to everyone (who) has to go through this. I would like to also thank you for giving me this opportunity to say what I have wanted to say all along in my heart.
I hope, after today, I can have your forgiveness. With regard to this case, with everything, everything that has happened, I am deeply sorry. I hope you all accept my apology and give me a chance. Thank you.
[书]with regard to关于= [口]about
顶端 Posted: 2008-02-27 21:20 | 9 楼
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时间的灰烬 » English Corner

时间的灰烬—发上依稀的残香里,我看见渺茫的昨日的影子,远了远了. 忘情号—你与我的人生旅程。 忘情号—你与我的人生旅程。 PW官方站